Cognitive Neuroscience and Evolutionary Psychology  is a specialized track within the Psychology concentration, and is one of the major paths toward bridging the social and life sciences at Harvard. The track reflects the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of this mind science, emphasizing integration across the sub-disciplines within psychology (social psychology, cognitive psychology, development, psychopathology) as well as connections between psychology and the other life sciences.


Students in this track have the opportunity to study the interplay between traditional interests in psychology such as vision, memory, language, emotion, intergroup relations, and psychological disorders, and recent developments in neuroscience and evolutionary science.

To support this learning, the track will provide a strong foundation of basic knowledge in psychology and the life sciences, as well as analytical, quantitative, and research skills these sciences employ. Students will also take more advanced courses in psychology and neuroscience and can choose to conduct research in one of over 25 laboratories in the Department of Psychology.


In addition, students should peruse the list of faculty research interests to gain an understanding of the areas of research that may be of special interest if they are interested in working in a lab.

For more information, please contact us.

Please also visit the Psychology Undergraduate Program website for more detailed information on requirements, courses, research, faculty, etc.